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Bob Hawkes Voice Treaty 1988

    At the Barunga sports and cultural festival in 1988 the Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, was presented with a petition framed by bark paintings. Now known as the Barunga Statement, the
    petition called for recognition of a wide range of Indigenous rights including a negotiated Treaty. The Prime Minister responded with a commitment to a negotiated Treaty with
    Aboriginal people.
    The Draft Treaty, believed to be 68 pages, was written after consultation with the Sovereign Aboriginal Coalition at Alice Springs. It includes:
    1. Recognition of Aboriginal ownership of Australia.
    2. The establishment of a separate Aboriginal nation of states.
    3. The immediate restoration of all inalienable crown lands, state and national parks, Aboriginal reserves and travelling stock routes of Australia.
    4. Negotiation of Aboriginal state boundaries.
    5. Recognition of Aboriginal sovereignty of all Aboriginal lands complete with inalienable title in perpetuity.
    6. Agree to the requirement that 40% of the total land mass of each Australian state be transferred to permanent Aboriginal title.
    7. Australians to pay the Aboriginal nation compensation for the balance of 60% of Australian land not available to Aborigines to compensate for the social, physical, and
    psychological ravages that have been made upon the Aboriginal people. Compensation rates to equal not less than 7% of GDP for the first ten years, 5% for the following ten years and
    2.5% of GDP in perpetuity.
    8. The establishment of a treaty between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians.
    9. Aborigines to retain sovereignty over all land and islands presently known as Australia.
    10. Aborigines to be given freedom to manage their own internal and external affairs as a separate nation of people.
    11. Aborigines to be given freedom to make Treaties regarding land and sea corridors as would any independent nation.
    12. The Aboriginal State to become a self governing state involving separate economic, social and cultural development combining traditional religions and practice.
    13. The Aboriginal nation to operate an independent legal system subject only to international law.
    14. All State Governments will be required to return appropriated land unencumbered to the Aboriginal state.
    15. Aboriginal states will impose entry restrictions in classified areas or those areas adjacent to nominated Aboriginal sacred sites.
    16. The Aboriginal nation will require the release of all Aboriginal people from prisons and institutions plus the return to the Aboriginal state of all Aboriginal human remains
    residing in museums plus all Aboriginal artifacts.
    17. Together with the total compensation package, the Australian Government will be required to pay a sum direct to $1,000,000,000 within four weeks of the establishment of
    the Treaty.
    18. The Aboriginal nation will require existing State and Federal Governments to provide permanently all the social, political, educational and legal benefits currently enjoyed by
    other Australians to the Aboriginal people. These benefits will also include welfare payments, the provisions of pensions and health benefits. These benefits are to be in
    addition to the total compensation package.
    19. The Aboriginal Bureau of Aboriginal State Affairs will be established to take over the existing Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Aboriginal Development Corporation
    Numbers 20 to 25
    Selwyn Johnston from states that The following is also part of a 68 page document that the Australian Government has not released. The Department of
    Aboriginal Affairs is fully aware of the entire contents of this document, which has been widely circulated throughout Aboriginal communities in Australia, however, the majority of
    Australian people have not been advised of its existence or its potential ramifications, let alone the effects under the Native Title Act – 1993.

    20. All towns and cities in the 60% of the land mass ceded by aboriginals to the Federal and State Governments shall, at municipal expense, provide and maintain for aboriginal use
    special parklands of not less than 20acres in areas with appropriate sea and river frontages. These parklands will be utilised by aborigines as centres for religious activities and camping. They will be available for general public use at other times.
    21. In urban areas where crown land is not available, suitable land is to be returned to aborigines on compensation and needs basis. The aboriginal families will occupy this land,
    rate free.
    22. Certain urban sections will become new aboriginal domains involving their own aboriginal administration with funding and political control.
    23. All existing aboriginal housing Australia wide shall be transferred complete with deed title by the Australian government to the new aboriginal state as an integral part of the
    compensation package.
    24. 3% of the revenue derived from all mineral and natural resources will be paid to the new aboriginal nation.
    25. Toll gates will be established and erected on all national freeways and highways interconnecting cities and States. One third of 1% of the total annual toll collected will
    be payable to the new aboriginal nation. Toll rates for consideration will equal $2 per car, $3 per vehicle with towing capacity, and 50 cents per motor bike. These tolls are all
    subject to variations in consumer price index.


    It is believed that the above key points have been taken from a 68 page Government document that has not been officially released to the public.


    Further reading

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