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10 years ago Julia Gillard removed protections for biological sex from the Sex Discrimination Act,

    Ten years after Julia Gillard’s ill-considered decision to remove protections for biological sex from the Sex Discrimination Act, the fallout has been momentous.

    Here we are in 2023, and under the law in Australia we find ourselves in an absurd situation: males who appropriate female stereotypes, males who lie about their sex, males who steal places from women in sport, males who infiltrate prisons and rape crisis shelters, all have more legal rights than females.

    Not to be deterred, government institutions are looking to expand the reach of this ideology in even more places.

    The government now has its sights set on private and faith based schools.

    The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) is currently holding an inquiry into religious schools and anti-discrimination laws.

    It has released a consultation paper and is due to hand down its final report at the end of this year.

    MORE: Religious schools will be forced to embrace transgender ideology

    And based on what the Commission has recommended in its initial consultation paper, the signs are far from encouraging.

    It has recommended removing protections for faith based schools to teach facts and faith in favour of radical gender ideology.

    If these recommendations become law, where will this leave non-government and private schools, many of whom are faith based?

    The upshot is that they will be forced to affirm the lie that a person can change their sex.

    They will be forced to pretend that sex doesn’t matter.

    Whether it’s a Christian, Jewish, Islamic or other school, they will be forced to employ staff who actively oppose their ethos. They will have no recourse when staff teach or promote ideologies that conflict with their own values or ethos.

    Children will be force-fed a curriculum that denies science and promotes radical gender ideology.

    The proposed changes could further disrupt the ability of these schools to preserve their religious culture and ethos, particularly in the recruitment and retention of staff.

    Even the experts agree.

    The Human Rights Law Alliance, a law firm which provides legal advice and represents clients in matters of religious freedom has published a helpful summary of the ALRC recommendations, with some important things every person needs to know. Read about it here.


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