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Aussies injured by COVID jabs file first ever class action lawsuit against drug pushers who promised “safe and effective” vaccines

    The Federal Court of Australia just received its first-ever class action lawsuit filed by recipients of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” and their families who are now injured – or worse, dead – because of the toxic shots.

    Anyone who was misled by the constant false reassurances that covid jabs are “safe and effective” is encouraged to join the class action and seek compensation from the responsible parties for their injuries.

    Respondents of the suit include the Commonwealth of Australia; Greg Hunt, the former Federal Health Minister of Australia; John Skerritt of the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA); Paul Kelly, Australia’s Chief Medical Officer; and Brendan Murphy, the secretary of the Department of Health.

    “NR Barbi Solicitor Pty Ltd has filed a class action against (at least) the Australian Government, the Department of Health and Aged Care Secretary Dr. Brendan Murphy and the Deputy Secretary of Health Products Regulation Group, Adjunct Professor John Skerrit (‘the Respondents’) in the Federal Court of Australia on behalf of the Lead Applicant (‘the Applicant’) and other COVID-19 vaccination injured parties (‘Group Members’) to recover compensation for injuries obtained as a result of taking one or more COVID-19 vaccines,” reads an announcement about the class action.

    “The Applicant alleges that the Respondents’ actions to advance the acceptance and use of the various approved COVID-19 vaccines constitute negligence and/or misfeasance. They further allege that such negligence/misfeasance caused class members to suffer loss or damage, including but not limited to: personal injury; health care expenses; additional out-of-pocket expenses; economic loss; the need for gratuitous care and, additionally or alternatively, commercial care; and/or non-economic loss.”


    (Related: Thanks to COVID injections, Australia is currently seeing its highest number of excess deaths in 80 years.)

    Those who wish to be included in the class action suit will need to have been injected with:

    1. The “COMIRNATY” product, also known as “the Pfizer Vaccine,” sponsored by Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd at any time on or after Jan. 25, 2021.
    2. The Pfizer Vaccine product formulated for pediatric use in children aged five to 11 at any time on or after Dec. 3, 2021.
    3. The “VAXZEVRIA” product, also known as “the AstraZeneca Vaccine,” sponsored by AstraZeneca Pty Ltd at any time on or after Feb. 15, 2021.
    4. The “SPIKEVAX” product, also known as “the Moderna Vaccine,” sponsored by Moderna Australia Pty Ltd at any time on or after Aug. 9, 2021.
    5. The Moderna Vaccine product formulated for pediatric use in children of various ages on or after certain dates, further details of which are available on the COVID Vax Class Action website.

    “There needs to be a lawsuit for the banning of ivermectin for use against COVID, and the misinformation they released on it,” one respondent wrote on Twitter about the class-action suit.

    “The government really made us mistrust ivermectin to the core by calling it horse tranquilizer. I’m hoping the creator of ivermectin sues for defamation.”

    Another asked when a class action will be filed on behalf of people who were terminated from their jobs for refusing the poison jabs.

    “We will be watching and cheering them on from the U.S.,” wrote another. “Thank you to everyone involved in bringing this to light. What an important achievement in filing. Godspeed.”

    The latest news about the mounting litigation against governments, drug companies, and the media – including social media – for their role in promulgating lies about the “safety and effectiveness” of COVID injections can be found at

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