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Bushfire politics Part 4: Who or what is to blame?

    Bush fires and politics

    Many are attributing the bushfires to climate change allowing those directly responsible to get ‘off the hook’. Fires and droughts have always been part of the Australian landscape. After 56 inquires, we know how to reduce catastrophic destruction from inevitable bushfires.

    Using National Parks and State Forests as carbon sinks must be reconsidered by the FEDERAL Government. STATE Governments responsible for fire mitigation should stop listening to the Greens and overseas funded climate-activists.  LOCAL Governments should allow sensible fire breaks on private land.

    The failures of these levels of government has resulted in the catastrophic destruction of flora, fauna, property and lives this season.  Ministers with portfolio responsibilities must be held personally and legally liable.

    Executive Summary:

    Aboriginals have, for tens of thousands of years, followed by settlers and farmers, burnt the bush to reduce fuel loads, understanding bushfires are an integral part of the Australian landscape. Over the past few decades, however, governments have been derelict in their ‘duty-of-care’ to manage fires effectively.  As expected, the blame-game is in full swing between governments, fire authorities, communities and property owners.  To help make sense of this current catastrophic fire season, we decided to investigate. This paper looks at four (4) areas that are relevant to the current bush fire outcomes. We,

    • Question why lessons learnt and inquiries in the past have largely been ignored
    • Examine the recommendations from the 2003 and 2009 inquiries
    • Ask why State Governments have increased areas of National Parks, reduced fire services and closed fire trails
    • Look at Local Governments green-tape legislation and planning laws
    • Provide a possible explanation for catastrophic bushfires that appear linked to cost cutting, mismanagement, political negligence and international influence

    Section 1:  Presents solutions to ensure a repeat of 2019/20 bushfires cannot happen again.

    Section 2:  Investigates the history of Australian bushfires

    Section 3: Examines the findings of the 2003 Federal Parliamentary Inquiry and the Vic. 2009 Royal Commission into bushfires

    Section 4: Looks at the politics and possible outside influences that have affected bushfire prevention and mitigation

    DISCUSSION PAPER – Part 4  Bushfires – who or what is to blame?

    Who or what caused this terrible destruction?

    Can we learn the lessons of history and stop repeating the same mistakes?

    We believe that:

    • The nations resources and efforts must be put into effective and direct action
    • Legally culpability must be established for those who hold the power and carry responsibility

    In Part 4 we go behind the scenes and look at the influences that have shaped Australian politics, and the way we now deal with bushfires.

    In this discussion paper ‘Bushfires- who or what is to blame’? we will cover the following areas:

    • Australia’s international agreements with the United Nations
    • The use of forests and national parks as carbon sinks to offset CO2 emissions
    • Influence of Greens policies on State Labor Governments legislation and any backroom deals between them
    • Local green- councils who permit developments too close to fire-prone areas, and prohibit hazard reduction on privately owned land
    • The influences of unpredictable weather systems such as the Indian Dipole
    • The plethora of overseas-funded special-interest groups calling for system change – using climate change as a driver or to ‘burn modern-Australia to the ground’

    A) Australia and the UNITED NATIONS

    Starting in 1945 when the United Nations (UN) Charter was negotiated. Australia was an active participant at the San Francisco Conference.  Australia’s delegation to this Conference was led by then Deputy Prime Minister, Frank Forde and Minister for External Affairs, Dr. Herbert ‘Doc’ Evatt, and these two individuals played a significant role in drafting the charter under PM Ben Chifley.

    Since 1945, according to Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Australian foreign policy has been directed by the underlying principles and purposes of the United Nations: to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, and to achieve global cooperation. (1)

    The UN’s operations in Geneva cover a vast spectrum, and many UN bodies and specialised agencies are based in Geneva.

    This includes:

    • the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights,
    • the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees,
    • the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
    • the World Health Organization and the International Labour Organization.
    • the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established in 1988 under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Meteorological Organization for the purpose of assessing “the scientific, technical, and socioeconomic information relevant for the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change. (2)  We look at several major agreements signed by the Federal Government.

    It is worth noting while ‘climate change’ is an issue for many, NONE of the following UN agreements were taken to the Australian people as election issues. 

    Comment: We note the IPCC ONLY looked for human-induced climate change. There was NO search for naturally occurring climate change.


    • The Kyoto Protocolis a UN International Treaty that extends the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and which commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, based on the scientific consensus that (part one) global warming is occurring and (part two) it is extremely likely that human made CO2 emissions have predominantly caused it.
    • In 1992 then Prime Minister Paul Keating signed Australia up to the UN Agenda 21 (refers to the 21st century), a non-binding action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development.  It is a product of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992 (3)
    • The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005 under Prime Minister John Howard.
    • PM Kevin Rudd signed the instrument of ratification in his first act after being sworn in
    • Kevin Rudd said the Federal Government would do everything in its power to help Australia meet its Kyoto obligations, including setting a target to reduce emissions by 60 per cent on 2000 levels by 2050. (4)

    A2: THE DOHA AMENDMENT (of the Kyoto Protocol)

    This amendment was implemented in 2012, as a second commitment period, in which 37 countries were obligated to binding targets. These nations included Australia.

    light thinning is a management option for bushfiresTo achieve binding emission target reductions under the Kyoto and Doha agreements, carbon sinks were utilized in National Parks and State Forests.

    A carbon sink is a natural reservoir that stores carbon-containing chemical compounds accumulated over an indefinite period of time. Public awareness of the significance of CO2 sinks has grown since the passage of the Kyoto Protocol, which promotes their use as a form of carbon offset. There are also different strategies used to enhance this process. (5,6,7,8) This resulted in increasing areas designated as National Parks, managed and administered by STATE Governments.

    Comment: Growing extra trees and undergrowth in National Parks and State Forests was recognized as ‘claimable carbon credits’

    State Forests, along with National Parks, became valuable assets to claim reduced CO2 emissions to comply with targets under the UN Kyoto and Doha Agreements. Not long after, National Parks were closed to the public, fire trails were closed and cattle removed from grazing the forest floor, which resulted in an increase in fuel for fires.

    Comment: The cheapest and easiest way to ‘manage’ National Parks and State Forests is to close them to the public and stop maintaining them to a safe fire standard.  State Governments could then spruik their green credentials and in return expect support from the Greens.   This is what has happened in many cases.

    A3: AGENDA 2030

    In 2015, following the implementation of Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 was created under the auspices of the United Nations.  Since 2015, 17 Sustainable Development Goals have been included in  Agenda 2030.

    These are a set of 17 goals decided upon at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015.  Agenda 2030 extends the goals set by Agenda 21 and re-asserts them as the basis for saying:

    We reaffirm all the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. Adding onto those goals from the original Rio document, a total of 17 goals have been agreed on, revolving around the same concepts of Agenda 21; people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership. IPCC is all about the economy

    In 2015 at a news conference in Brussels, Christina Figueres, the UN Executive Secretary for the Framework on Climate Change said: 

    “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MODEL that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial revolution.”

    Comment: Has ‘climate-change’ become a means for ideological change?  If this is the case – then the science has already become subservient to the ideology.

    On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit, officially came into force.   Note: Number 13 is Climate Action, but is this SDG really about action on climate or the redistribution of wealth, people and power?  (9,10,11)

    United nations Agenda 2030 goalsA4: THE PARIS CLIMATE AGREEMENT 

    • Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) theParis Climate Agreement came into force on 4th November 2016.
    • Australia’s commitment to the Paris Agreementwas ratified under the Turnbull Government, on 10th November 2016 by then Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop, despite strong opposition from within the government’s own ranks.
    • Australia will implement an economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.(12) 

    Please note; Sustainable Development Goal # 13 is CLIMATE CHANGE (13)

    Comment: believing that the Paris Agreement was not in the best interests of the nation, Rite-ON! ran a campaign and Federal Petition in AUSExit Paris, in November 2019. (14) Rite-ON! are still awaiting a response form the relevant Federal Minister.

    Under the Paris Agreement, Australian taxpayers must fund the transition of developing nations to renewable energy sources.  This includes countries such as China and India. 

    Comment: Australia’s CO2 output at 1.3% of global emissions, pales into insignificance against China and India’s emissions.

    While helping fund other nations Australia must also meet its own target reductions of 26 to 28 percent by 2030, while China and India are permitted (under the same agreement) to continue to INCREASE their emissions until 2040/30 respectively.

    Comment: Illustration above shows how ‘carbon credits’ work, and the UN’s money-making climate-change modelling. President Trump advised the UN in Nov 2019 that the US was withdrawing from Paris.NB: The US is significantly reducing their CO2 emissions WITHOUT being part of the Paris Climate Agreement. Australia can do likewise and save billions of taxpayer funds! 

    B)  The influence of WEATHER patterns

    Many factors have contributed to the current bushfires. Australia’s weather is influenced by several significant and unpredictable weather systems; The Indian Dipole (15), La Nina and El Nino. (16)

    In 2019, short term weather fluctuations in the Indian Ocean—the Indian Ocean Dipole, pushed moist ocean air away from Australia’s shores, causing a severe drought, and drying out the leaves, sticks and soil on the bush floor.

    As recent events show, variations in the aforementioned Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) can make Australian weather patterns inherently volatile, especially since the drying effects of a positive IOD phase often coincide with El Niño events in the Southern Pacific, which weaken (or reverse) the trade winds that bring rain to Australia from the east. (Indeed, an El Niño did arise in 2018-19, though its effects ended in late summer.)   When the Black Saturday bushfires occurred in 2009, killing 173 Australians, the IOD was in a positive phase, as it is now. The same was true of the Ash Wednesday bushfires in 1982, which killed 75.

    Comment: Simply put, conditions are hot and dry now, just as they were in previous catastrophic fires – and with similar weather patterns.

    This video provides an understanding the Indian Ocean Dipole:




    There is an urgent need for more education about Australia’s unique position and weather patterns.

    More science and less politics are urgently needed to stop more catastrophic bushfires in the future. (17,18) Unfortunately school children are taught very little about the science of weather and are encouraged to strike to keep the pressure on the Government to take more action on climate change. 

    This weather system has come in tandem with unusually strong and sustained winds associated with a separate phenomenon known as the Antarctic Oscillation. These erratic winds have ­pushed fires in all directions, turning isolated local crises into ­regional disasters. All of this comes amid some evidence of a steady ­increase in average temperatures across Australia, a phenomenon climate scientists have warned us about for decades.

    Comment: Future money spent ADAPTING to a ‘predicted hotter and dryer’ fire season would not be wasted!

    C) ‘Green-appeasement’, State Government budget cuts and a biased media.

    State Forests and National Parks with insufficient hazard reduction, have played major roles in the 2019/20 bushfire season.

    A succession of state governments has ignored recommendations of 56 previous bushfire investigations. Instead of adopting the recommendations, they have passed prohibitive environmental land clearing controls and purchased large parcels of farming land for National Parks – in essence locking land up. Governments love declaring new national parks – but they hate spending enough money to manage them properly! Interesting to note that their actions, conform with Greens policies and environmental aims, AND contribute to Australia’s emissions reduction commitments (as green carbon sinks) under the UN Agreements of Kyoto, Doha and Paris agreements.

    Without proper hazard reduction management, these parks have created fire- disaster-zones. According to reports, ALL states have been negligent in managing these areas, but have been happy to pass draconian laws regarding the clearing, access and use of these designated areas.

    Mismanagement of National Parks and State Forests has proven to be irresponsible and disastrous.  The solution is clear: reduce the intensity of the fire by reducing the build-up of fuel (20)

    Quote from Dunalley Tasmanian fire victim in 2013 after being wiped out by bushfiresGreenies oppose burn offs

    Around the states, hazard reduction burning has also become a ’burning issue’ for landowners restricted by State and Local Government Vegetation Legislation.

    In NSW:

    NSW covers an area of 80 million (m) hectares(ha) of which 27m are state forests.  Bushfires this season have burned almost 10% of state forests or 2.7million ha. (so far).  Hazard reduction burning is said to depend on weather and resources.

    Worth noting is that areas designated as National Parks have increased year on year creating greater responsibility for the NSW State Government. (21)  State Environment Minister Matt Kean has plans to increase National Parks areas by another 200,000 ha over the next 2 years (2020/21) Figures differ as to the amount of back burning completed before the 2019/20 bushfires season began (are those responsible heading for cover?) however volunteer firefighters (not paid state agencies) advise targets are not even close to being met. (22, 23, 24)


    • The Canberra fires of 2003 resulted in Brindabella farmer Wayne West, whose property was wiped out in the fires, suing the two agencies; Kopersberg’s RFS and the green-influenced NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. The ACT Supreme Court, Chief Justice Terrence Higgins found them both negligent as a small fire at McIntyre’s Hut in the Brindabella ranges was allowed to rage out of control through the national park to emerge 10 days later and burn lethally through Canberra’s suburbs. Unfortunately for West and his insurance company, government agencies are protected by statute and don’t have to pay compensation. But West had won a moral victory. (25)
    • Blue Mountains resident Martin Tebbutt fought for permission to hazard-reduction-burn his property for two and a half years – the result: On December 21 last year (2019) his farm in Bilpin was completely charred when the enormous Gospers Mountain blaze ripped through the area. (26,27)
    • Another NSW farmer warned Premier Gladys Berejiklian 18 months ago that ‘south coast towns were bushfire death traps’ Result: State and Local Governments failed to act on heavy fuel loads on protected land.
    • Bega Valley Shire Farmers and Land Owners Group member Wayne Doyle wrote to Ms Berejiklian in April 2018, following the Tathra fires, saying a ­decision to slap environmental zonings on farmland by the local council posed a safety risk to other towns, including Eden — one of the worst hit communities — and Merimbula.


    In 2013 parts of the NSW south coast, including some land used for agriculture, were rezoned as ‘E2’ or ‘E3’ ­environmental areas in the Bega Valley Shire council’s Local Environment Plan, which was signed off by the state government.

    Under the Plan, the NSW Rural Fire Service can conduct hazard reduction burns anywhere, but agricultural landowners with environmentally zoned properties must lodge an application first. Illegal land clearing offences carry fines of up to $500,000 in the Land and Environment Court, but an agriculture ­expert said it was unusual for landowners to be fined more than $100,000. (28)


    NSW: The legacy of Premier Bob Carr. Was this to appease the Greens and guarantee their preferences to win governement?

    • The NSW Wilderness Act 1987 (passed when Bob Carr was Environment Minister) defines wilderness as an area that is in a state that has not been substantially modified by humans and their works or is capable of being restored to such a state. (29)
    • In July 2005, Carr’s final legacy as Premier was spending an estimated $30 million to buy the 80,000-hectare Yanga Station near Hay and turn it into a national park. Yanga was reputedly the largest freehold farm in the state.
    • Earlier that year Carr also announced the permanent conservation of 348,000 hectares of woodlands in the Nandewar and Brigalow belt in the state’s west, at a cost of about $80 million. The forecast was that this and the Yanga decision would destroy hundreds of jobs.


    campaign bushfires nsw national parks 

    Is this to appease the Greens and guarantee their preferences to win government.

    NSW now has 870 national parks and reserves covering seven million hectares. (30) 

    In Queensland:

    In 2019 the Palaszczuk State Labor Government failed to meet its hazard reduction burning targets as part of a bushfire mitigation operation for four years in a row, in an extraordinary revelation slammed as “gross negligence”.  As part of Operation Cool Burn, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services officers were scheduled to undertake controlled burning across the state, between April and August each year. Of the 168 planned burns in 2019, just 117 were completed.

    Queensland fire hazard reduction table

    • There are currently 326 National Parks in QLD plus 7 ‘Scientific National Parks.
    • There are currently 473 separate protected areas in QLD covering an area of 69,388 km. e.: almost 27,000 sq. ml. or 4% of total state area.
    • Queensland’s Rural Fire Service announced in October 2017, that the Palaszczuk Labor Government had slashed its budget by 25% – at a time the state was expecting a catastrophic fire season.
    • In addition, the Palaszczuk Government then pulled almost $13 million from the Queensland Volunteer Fire Service reducing it to $40 million from just over $53 million spent on the rural service in 2018/19) (31)

    After slashing budgets for state fire services, Treasurer and Deputy Premier Jackie Trad, then ‘gifted’ 200,000 public servants $1,250 each to ‘stimulate the economy’ at a cost of $250 million to Queensland taxpayers. (32)

    Comment: Less money to protect Queenslanders from fire risks, but plenty to protect public servant votes.

    Senior Queensland firefighters have slammed the State Government’s hazard reduction process, saying fuel loads aren’t being monitored and it’s “all but impossible” to get all departments to agree to burn on state-owned land. (33) 

    The attached video (pre bushfire) will give you a true reflection of how the QLD government is mismanaging the National Parks and the astounding density and overgrowth of the Lantana and, perhaps, provide an awakening of the potential bushfire hazard they present.  Residents at the end of this road were advised that if a fire came, they could not be helped.

    Comment: Lantana spreads quickly and is difficult to remove. It poisons natural habitats and is the perfect fuel for fast-moving fires. Queensland’s publicly owned areas are inundated with Lantana due to State Government mismanagement.

     QLD: The legacy of Peter Beattie – No ‘back-burning or grazing’ Vegetation Laws

    • The Queensland Government passed the Vegetation Management Act 1999 (Qld) in December 1999 in order to regulate, through development control measures, clearing of native vegetation on freehold land in areas of particular environmental sensitivity. (34)
    • On 24 August 2000, and with no agreement about funding assistance from the Commonwealth Government, the Vegetation Management Amendment Bill 2000 (Qld) was introduced into the Queensland Parliament. It removed controversial parts of the legislation that the Queensland Premier assured farmers would not be brought in without adequate funding to compensate affected landowners
    • Vegetation management laws were again changed in May 2018, reinstating vegetation management controls repealed in 2013. The laws increased protection for high-value regrowth and remnant vegetation and boosted protection for important habitats, including waterways leading to the Great Barrier Reef.
    • The QLD Labor government in 2019 again reviewed and passed stricter amendments to the previous bill, controlling vegetation management by farmers, requiring lengthy and costly permit applications (35)

    A statement from a QLD farmer impacted by Queensland State Labor Vegetation Laws, who made an application to clear mulga on his property:

    “ The development application is more than $3,000 but we’ve been asking around and consultants who help with the paperwork are quoting around $10,000. Mulga is like our insurance policy – they ( the cattle) eat the grass and they eat the younger mulga, and if it still hasn’t rained, you push the mulga over so they can reach it. “ Mr Sargood said (36)


    In Victoria: Labor Premier Daniel Andrews legacy

    Victoria is no stranger to bushfires. A history of fires has shaped the landscape and some of Australia’s worst bushfires has impacted this state.  Hazard reduction burns, however, conduct­ed in Victoria over the past three years combined did not reach the level recommended for a single year by the Black Saturday Royal Commission. (37, 38)

    In a state that has a great need for firefighters, Daniel Andrews has angered CFA members in Victoria, creating divisions between paid fire fighters and volunteers. (39)

    An analysis of annual reports from the state Department of Environ­ment, Land, Water and Planning found planned burns had returned to pre-Black Saturday levels of just 130,000ha a year — only one-third of the 5 per cent or 385,000ha recommended by the royal commission in 2010.

    Since this Royal Commission only a third of the area marked for hazard reduction burning has been cleared and former CSIRO bushfire expert Phil Cheney says there have been ‘excuses… and pseudo-science to justify this’.  (40)

    As referenced in Part 3 BUSHFIRE POLITICS – Inquiries and Royal Commissions, following two previous investigations into the bushfires of 2003 and 2009, strong recommendations were made in regard to hazard reduction. (41)

    Unfortunately, the majority of recommendations from past inquiries have been ignored, and in some extreme cases ‘green environmentalist’ protests have prevented planned burns occurring.

    E.g. The planned hazard-reduction burn in Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, was stopped by local protestors.

    Local Forest Fire Management Victoria Manager said:  the burns were planned after extensive community consultation’. This is an example of the difficulty in getting even small cool burns of just 370 ha done.

    (Interestingly this post has since been removed from the ABC Gippsland Facebook page) (42)

    The left-leaning media is also guilty of ignoring the facts.

    Whatever happened to true investigative journalism?   In order to gain attention, much of the media have used highly emotive words to describe the current bushfire situation; Armageddon, Cataclysmic or unprecedented.  Many stories now appear to be puff pieces or political PR exercises containing no real evidence based on scientific fact, but with seemingly one ultimate agenda in mind – to have a Climate Emergency declared in Australia. Chief among those peddling vexatious deliberate misinformation and blatant biased reporting is the national broadcaster – the ABC, wholly funded by the Australian taxpayer. Promoting those who blame the Prime Minister for the failure of State Premiers is an example of narcissistic opportunism and political ambush. (43)

    Like the ABC, the green environmentalists blame the current bush fires on Climate Change.  Having taken control of any scientific argument, they then fail to provide any real scientific evidence to support their claims.

    The Climate Council (headed by Tim Flannery) also say about the current bushfires ‘This is not normal’ while ignoring all past fire-seasons. (44)

    Comment:In fact, it is ‘business as usual’ for these bushfires. When Australia has prolonged periods of hot and dry weather and an excessive fuel load, this is EXACTLY what we should expect; catastrophic fires!

    So far this 2019/20 bushfire season, 13% of bushfires have been caused by lighting and the other 87% by humans, either by carelessness or deliberate acts of arson.

    Comment: It seems that State Governments ( and their agencies) influenced by Green-ideology have exacerbated the risk of catastrophic  fires, abrogated their duty-of-care, and are responsible for the destruction of lives and property

    D) The impact of overseas funded ‘activists and extremists’ and Anti-Australian ‘special- interest groups’

    National disasters bring out the best – and the worst in human nature. Unfortunately, many of the violent and noisy minority get media coverage – while the real heroes often take a back seat.

    Activists use their numbers and noise to intimidate and bully State and Federal politicians, while the quiet Australians get on with the job of keeping the nation strong and communities safe.

    Here are some of the major ‘noisy and Anti-Australia’ activists.  

    D1: ‘Burn Australia’ political extremists

    Recently on ABC’s Q&A program, aboriginal activist Nayuka Gorrie stated she looked forward to the time people started to burn stuff’.   In 2018, another aboriginal activist; Tarneen Onus Williams speaking on behalf of WAR (Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance) stated she hoped Australia ‘burns to the ground.’ (45)  Another climate-activist at a recent rally (2019), held a banner; ‘Hope Scott’s house burns down’. 

    Comment: Do any of these activists receive taxpayer funded welfare, and/or government grants?


    D2: ‘Arson’ activists

    Daily reports are being released on the impact of suspected arsonists on the current bushfire situation. Fire authorities are angered with ‘acts of arson’. Of the 60,000 fires that occur annually it is suspected up to half are deliberately lit.

    Serial arsonists will face the full force of the law after NSW Police announced a crackdown on fire bugs in the wake of investigations which showed 716 fires this season did not occur naturally. (46, 47)

    It is not fully understood what motivates arsonists, but it is possible that climate alarmists could use fires to promote their causes and apply political pressure. 

    D3: ‘Divisive and racist’ activists


    The group WAR (Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance) use inflammatory and offensive language against non-aboriginals. #paytherent and #AbolishAustraliaDay  are slogans designed to divide Australia on the basis of race. WAR has since removed their post (above) on Facebook, but their ‘Invasion Day Rally’ saw many holding banners claiming to be ‘PROUD AND DEADLY’


    D4: ‘Green narcists’  

      Environment East GippslandEnvironmental East Gippsland (EEG) posted on Facebook the image of Eden Woodchip Mill burning accompanied by a happy face in the description describing the fire as ‘really good news’.  The mill was the largest employer in the small town of 3,000 people. Following public outcry this post was removed.  (48, 49)

    The group EEG is headed by former Greens candidate Jill Redwood, who eventually deleted the post. When asked why it had been removed, the page Admin. claimed they were receiving “more than the usual number of death threats.”

    Ms. Redwood stood as candidate for the Australian Greens Party in the Legislative Council Region of Eastern Victoria at the Victorian state election, which was held on 25 November 2006. 

    D5: ‘Fake news promoting’  activists

    Fake bushfires photos flooded world social and mainstream media to conflate the bushfires in Australia and present them as ‘the result of non-action on climate change’  

    D6: ‘Opportunists and anarchists

    Activist groups are running their usual negative campaigns against the federal government and monetizing themselves, on the back of people’s grief. Groups such as Extinction Rebellion, School Strike for Climate, and GetUp are shamelessly capitalizing on the bushfires. (50)

    Extinction RebellionOverseas founded and funded group Extinction Rebellion- XR (famous for gluing themselves to roads, rail lines, and aircraft) organized demonstrations in London, Berlin, Madrid, Copenhagen and Stockholm. The protesters called for stronger action on climate change in response to the Australian bushfires.

    They followed rallies around most capital cities of Australia on Friday, with thousands of protesters criticising Mr Morrison’s handling of the fire emergencies in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.

    XR’s 3 main goals are: (51) 

    • To force all governments around the world to declare a climate emergency
    • To create perpetual recessions in all western developed nations
    • To change the system in western nations from capitalism to socialism

    Sky News host Chris Smith says, “Ill-informed socialists are trying to use climate change and Australia’s current bushfire crisis to bring down the Morrison government”.  He said: “Climate change groups such as Extinction Rebellion have politicised the bushfires gripping the nation in order to attempt to take down greedy capitalism”. (52)GetUp!The overseas-funded, and socialism-supporting group GetUp is now quoting left- wing overseas publications as ‘proof’ the bushfires in Australia are a result of insufficient action on climate change.  GetUp is using former NSW Fire and Rescue commissioner Greg Mullin’s name to force unrealistic and economically dangerous government policy.  The GetUp activist group is driving the campaign of some bushfire survivors who blame climate change for fires burning in southeast Australia and are calling for “100 per cent renewable energy for all”.  (53, 54 )

    Comment: If Australia followed GetUp’s advice, we would use our resources to stop our small 1.3% of CO2 emissions, instead of putting resources into stopping the real causes of destructive bushfires. Closing all fossil fuel energy production and relying 100% on renewables will not stop fuel build-up, control the Indian Dipole, El Nino or La Nina, or stop arsonists from deliberately burning forests, incinerating native animals, destroying whole communities and killing people.

    School Strike 4 Climate
    School Strike for Climate inspired by the manufactured climate-messiah Greta Thunberg are adding their uneducated and unschooled opinions on the bushfires. Strikes during the school week ignores the Australian taxpayers who pay teachers to teach and students to learn. (55,56) 

    Young people are being urged to lobby friends and family on the need for “urgent climate action” to counter an “unprecedented bushfire crisis”, as the student strike movement seizes on recent tragic fires to further its cause. School Strike for Climate Australia has released a Bushfire Crisis Conversation and Action Guide that encourages young follow­ers to promote its activism on the issue of climate change.

    Comment: The only major outcome of SS4C will be traumatised children!

    D7: ‘Religiously- motivated’ extremists 

    • In 2008 a report in the Brisbane Times indicated that Australia had been singled out as a target for forest jihad by a group of Islamic extremists urging Muslims to deliberately light bushfires as a weapon of terror. An internet posting by a little-known Muslim group claimed the idea of forest fires had been attributed to imprisoned Al Qaeda leader Abu Musab Al-Suri. It said Al-Suri had urged terrorists to use sulphuric acid and petrol to start forest fires. (57)
    • Recently claims have been made by Security Expert Daniel Lewkovitz that ‘Bushfire jihad’ is being used as a tool to spread fear and says Australia is not immune to ‘fire jihad’ warning the intentional and deliberate starting of bush and forest fires is currently occurring in countries overseas. (58)


    Bushfires will always be a part of the Australian landscape.  Those that distort this truth or use bushfires as an excuse to radically change Australia, to achieve their own agendas – are not friends of this nation.The first casuality of war is truth But WHAT or WHO is responsible for the 2019/20 bushfires? 

    • Are those that blame the bushfires on ‘climate change’ guilty of condemning us to more destructive bushfires in the future?
    • Are those that blame the Prime Minister for the bushfires, who know neither the history of this nation nor understand State fire responsibility established at Federation, to be publicly named as ‘shameful political opportunists’?
    • Are Federal Governments that allow the United Nations to dictate domestic policy putting national sovereignty and security at risk, partly responsible?
    • Are State Governments that reduce budgets and put Fire Fighters and Emergency Workers lives at risk, criminally liable when lives and properties are lost?
    • Should State Premiers that oversaw the abrogation of responsibility by their Ministers be named, shamed and sacked?
    • Should State Ministers with Portfolio responsibilities, who have neglected to carry out their ‘duty-of-care’ be sacked and charged with criminal negligence?
    • Should Local Government Councillors who allow developments close to heavily wooded public land, and who prevent private landowners from removing fire hazards on their own land, be held personally responsible for loss of property and life?

    Our conclusion:

    • Those who have abrogated their duty-of-care as part of their responsibilities, must be charged with criminal negligence.
    • Blaming the bushfires on ‘climate-change’ is cowardly and dishonest and will help ensure  risks of severe bushfire will continue.

    Activists who use the bushfires to promote socialism, display total disrespect for fire fighters  and volunteers,  and an anti-Australian agenda.


    1:  Share Part 4 ; Who or what is to blame for the bushfires?

    2:  Sign the Federal Petition ( available 4th February) calling for a Constitutional Convention to address  ambiguous responsibilities between the  Federal and State Governments.

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    4:  Donate to help Rite-ON! continue to address controversial issues and put boots on the ground at election times:








    Rite-ON! Is committed to fighting for Australian conservative values so our children can grow up in a free and democratic society.
    If you would prefer to donate via a bank transfer, our details are:
    BSB: ​064462  Account Number: ​10363519

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    Acknowledgement of NationWe acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have lived here since the Dreamtime.  We acknowledge the explorers and pioneers and their descendants who planted the British flag and Christian values on this continent, creating the Australian nation.We acknowledge the Federal Commonwealth of Australia, created by the nation, under the Crown, to guard the liberty of ALL our citizens and we acknowledge those ‘New Australians’, who came here for a better future, and made this nation strong and prosperous.

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