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Creating a Climate Messiah: Part 1

    Greta playing the part

    Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Aspergers sufferer from Sweden – the new ‘Climate Messiah’ – suddenly came to prominence on August 20th, 2018 when she wagged school to conduct a lone protest outside her country’s Parliament building for government action against climate change.

    She had continued to miss school and strike every Friday throughout the last year. (1)

    So began Greta’s rise to fame…

    We have been bombarded with endless stories of how she single-handedly took on the world for action against climate change, but the truth makes a far more interesting story.

    Greta was born 3rd January 2003, the daughter of opera singer Malena Ernman and actor Svante Thunberg.Greta & Antifa

    In 2014, aged 11, Greta was diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome in addition to high-functioning autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Her sister Beata has ADHD.
    The family’s story is that Greta launched a one-girl ‘school strike’ at the Swedish parliament on the morning of August 20th last year.

    Ingmar Rentzhog, the founder of a social media platform, We Don’t Have Time, happened to be passing by and tweeted out this photo.

    Tagged in Rentzhog’s  ‘lonely girl’ tweet were five twitter accounts: Greta Thunberg, Zero Hour (Youth Movement), Jamie Margolin (the teenage founder of Zero Hour), Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, and the People’s Climate Strike twitter account (in the identical font and aesthetics as

    Inspired, Rentzhog posted Greta’s photograph on his own Facebook page. By late afternoon, the newspaper Dagens Nyheter, had Greta’s story and face on its website. The rest is history!

    Rentzhog (Laika Consulting AB) is a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Organization Leaders, where he is part of the European Climate Policy Task Force.

    After being trained by the Climate Reality Project, Rentzhog set up ‘We Don’t Have Time’ in late 2017 to hold leaders and companies accountable for climate change by leveraging the power of social media.

    Ingmar Rentzhog
    Ingmar Rentzhog (2)

    About ’We DON’T HAVE TIME’

    “How is it possible for you to be so easily tricked by something so simple as a story, because you are tricked? Well, it all comes down to one core thing and that is emotional investment. The more emotionally invested you are in anything in your life, the less critical and the less objectively observant you become.” — David JP Phillips, We Don’t Have Time Board of Directors, ‘The Magical Science of Storytelling’


    “The same hormones and neurotransmitters can be released by a good story. These include dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins”, which Phillips refers to as the ‘angel’s cocktail.’ “The effects of oxytocin make you more generous, trusting, and ready to bond. This is what is released in your blood when you hear a sad story. It makes us feel relaxed and more human as we bond to the storyteller.” — based on the TEDx Stockholm Talk, ‘The Magical Science of Storytelling,’ by David JP Phillips, We Don’t Have Time Board of Directors 


    On April 18th, 2018, the crowdfunding platform FundedByMe was utilised by ‘We Don’t Have Time’ to enlist investors, acquired Ingmar Rentzhog’s Laika Consulting. (3)

    If anyone dares question their motives they risk being accused of climate denial, or of bullying a vulnerable child with Asperger’s syndrome.

    What is going on? Is the launch of a global campaign to usher in a required consensus for the Paris Agreement, the Green New Deal and all climate-related policies and legislation written by the power elites – for the power elites? If so, this is necessary to unlock the trillions of dollars in funding by way of massive public demand.

    But this isn’t the full story……

    In emails, Rentzhog told a reporter from the UK Times that he “met Greta for the first time” at the parliament and “did not know Greta or Greta’s parents” before then.

    Yet in the same emails, the media entrepreneur admitted to having met Greta’s mother ‘3-4 months before everything started’ in early May last year, when he and Malena shared a stage at a Stockholm conference called the Climate Parliament.

    Nor did Rentzhog stumble on Greta’s protest by accident. He now admits to having been informed “the week before [via] a mailing list from a climate activist” named Bo Thoren. (4)(5)

    An independent journalist obtained an earlier email that reveals Thoren, the leader of a group called Fossil Free Dalsland, was searching for fresh green faces.

    In February last year, Thoren invited a group of environmental activists, academics and politicians to plan ‘how we can involve and get help from young people to increase the pace of the transition to a sustainable society’.

    In May that year, after Greta won second prize in an environmental writing competition run by the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, Thoren approached all the competition winners with a plan for a ‘school strike’ modelled on the walkouts by pupils after the shootings at a high school in Parkland, Florida, a few months before.  “But no one was interested,” Greta’s mother claimed, “so Greta decided to do it for herself.”

    Fortunately, Greta’s decision coincided with the publication of ‘Scenes from the Heart’, her parents’ memoir of how working to save the planet had saved their family.
    Unfortunately, however, Malena omitted to tell her publisher that Rentzhog had commandeered Greta’s stunt.

    We had a problem”, recalled Malena’s editor, Jonas Axelsson. “Journalists asked if it was promotion for the book. It wasn’t at all. It was a nightmare.”

    Late last year, Mr Rentzhog was accused of using Ms Thunberg’s name to raise more than $1.5 million (10 million SEK) from investors in the company that donates just 10 per cent of its profits to a charitable fund. In October, he had asked her to sit on the Youth Advisory Board of We Don’t Have Time. He then used her name more than 11 times in promotional materials for a share issue announced on November 27, Svenska Dagbladet reported.

    According to the newspaper, the prospectus promised investors the company could be ‘extremely profitable’ by creating viral environmental content to pull in money via digital ads from green-aligned firms.

    The Greta phenomenon has also involved green lobbyists, PR hustlers, eco-academics and a think tank founded by a wealthy former minister in Sweden’s Social Democratic Government with links to the country’s energy companies.

    These companies are preparing for the biggest bonanza of government contracts in history: the greening of the western economies. Greta, whether she and her parents know it or not, is the face of their political strategy.

    IKEAThe presence of IKEA on the We Don’t Have Time advisory board should be noted!  In 2017 IKEA awarded a $44.6m grant from the IKEA Foundation to the We Mean Business coalition (founded in 2014). This grant was in fact ‘the second largest single donation ever made by the charitable arm of retail giant IKEA’.  IKEA is a client of Purpose and partner to the Purpose NGO We Are Here Now.

    The We Mean Business coalition founding members include The B Team, The Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), the Carbon Disclosure Project, Ceres, The Climate Group, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and the Prince of Wales Corporate Climate Group.  Other We Mean Business partners include the United Nation Global Compact, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), UNEP Finance, the World Bank, and World Wildlife Fund. (6)

    The B Team managed by Purpose – the PR arm of Avaaz, has a familiar face to many Australians, CEO Jeremy Heimans one of the original founders of GetUp! (7)

    Heimans was cofounder of Avaaz, part  of the George Soros Open Society Foundation group and cofounder of the Australian Political organisation GetUp!

    Coincidentally GetUp! launched an attack on 2nd October, claiming that a coordinated and personal assault on Greta has been undertaken by a web of far-right groups, and angry climate deniers, financed by the fossil fuel industry. In GetUp’s usual emotionally stirring style they managed to include a myriad of repugnant words such as ‘bullies’, ‘hateful’ and ‘violent threats’. Their glowing description of Greta includes messianic phrases such as ‘rekindle the fire’ and ‘performed a miracle’. Their references include socialist-left media outlets; The Guardian and the Huffington Post.

    Jeremy Heimans


    At the helm of this new model is Avaaz/Purpose co-founder Jeremy HeimansPurpose, the PR firm (with many arms) specializes in movement building and behavioural change.

    Heiman’s vision is to organize ‘people not as citizens but as consumers’ so as to further empower corporations and brands that he refers to as ‘the angels’.

    Among the firm’s partners are some of the world’s most powerful corporations, foundations and institutions, including The Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Unilever, IKEA, General Electric, Starbucks, TED, Oxfam, SEIU, WHO, UNICEF, ACLU, British Telecom, the Concordia Summit and Nike. Collaborators include We Mean Business and The B Team which is registered to the address of Purpose, New York.

    In May it was announced that GetUp! Cofounder Jeremey Hymans  was to open a Sydney office of the social change agency Purpose. (8)

    Greta Thunberg has her own coach; well-known climate activist, 23-year-old Luisa-Marie Neubauer, from Germany.  Neubauer is one of the main organizers of the School strike4climate movement, inspired by Greta Thunberg. She supports the implementation of UN Agenda 2030 in Germany and a climate policy that is compatible with the Paris Agreement. (9)(10)

    Luisa-Marie Neubauer

    • What is the likelihood of a young girl who starts a personal school strike outside the Swedish parliament, getting schoolchildren from all over the world to join her cause and fight against climate change?
    • How often do 16-year-olds have their own coaches?

    Luisa-Marie Neubauer, who has been captured on numerous images and videos together with Greta when directing climate change protests all over the world, belongs to the organisation, One Foundation.

    One Foundation has several well-known wealthy financiers, including Bono as well as Bill and Melissa Gates.
    An even more striking name is that of the multi-billionaire oligarch George Soros, notorious for his currency speculation and maybe even more prominent as the father of the global, radical, and left-liberal lobby and activist network ‘Open Society’, supporting thousands of NGOs.

    george Soros Bill Gates Greta Thunberg

    Soros Gave Global Climate Strike Partners More than $24M

    Greta may be the face of the climate strike movement, but the movement is no longer just gatherings of children!   22 organizations are listed as international or North American partners of the Global Climate Strike that received at least $24,854,592 from Soros’ Open Society Network between 2000-2017. (11) (12)

    Soros climate funding

    Al Gore & Greta

    Another organization of interest is Generation Investment Management LLP (Generation IM); a sustainable investment management firm founded in 2004, by former US Vice President Al Gore and Goldman Sachs‘ Asset Management head David Blood. (13)

    Al Gore & David Blood
    “We are making the case for long-term greed.” Al Gore and David Blood, pictured at Generation’s New York City Office on August 25th  2015.

    Generation Investment Management Board Members include eco-luminaries such as Mary Robinson, a former President of Ireland and the founder of the non-profit Mary Robinson Foundation. Robinson serves as President to Richard Branson’s B Team, which is managed by Purpose – the public relations arm of Avaaz.

    Generation Investment Management’s portfolio and investments include multinational corporations with horrendous records of malfeasance, such as Amazon, Nike, Colgate, MasterCard, and the Chipotle chain of restaurants with heavy investments in health and technology.   These corporations are heavily invested and/or dependent on fossil fuels. How hypocritical is Generation Investment to invest in these companies?

    Richard Branson & Al Gore

    Sustainable Development Goals Fleet Greets Greta Thunberg in NYC Harbour

    New York, 28 August 2019 – Greta Thunberg sailed into New York Harbor flanked by a fleet of 17 sailboats – their sails representing each of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a better world by 2030, of which climate action is No 13. The sustainable development goals were unanimously adopted by world leaders at the UN in 2015

    The UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a radical plan for a global ‘Green New Deal’ to redistribute trillions of dollars by capping wealth and introducing a global minimum rate of tax.(14)(15)

    Agenda 2030
    In her near hysterical speech to the UN Greta made several unsubstantiated claims against those questioning “Climate Change”.

    “This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be standing here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to me for hope? How dare you!  You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing.”

    How dare we?


    How dare you sail to America on a carbon fibre yacht that you didn’t build which cost £15 million, that you didn’t earn, and which has a back-up diesel engine that you didn’t mention
    said Jeremy Clarkson in September 2019. (16)




    Greta playing the part
    Greta, at 16 playing the child, and acting her age.

    Before Greta there was another climate messiah, Severn Cullis-Suzuki the daughter of environmental activist David Suzuki.(17)

    Severn Suziki

    In 1992, at age 12, Cullis-Suzuki raised money with members of ECO to attend the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro

    Is the UN adopting a totalitarian method of using children for mass political action?

    The UN strongly opposes child exploitation unless, apparently, the child is useful to a socialist cause.
    Examples of totalitarian regimes using children to implement their political agendas;

    • Mao Zedong for his communist revolution.
    • Hitler and Mussolini, for their National Socialist and Fascist ideologies.
    • Soviet teachers for the Communist Party, who vowed to construct new school education programs based on Communist principles. (from Jennifer Oriel article in Australian) (18)



    1/        Share the campaign

    2/        Watch for the next episode: ‘Creating a Climate Messiah’ Part 2

    3/        Understand that Greta is a puppet of the UN and other powerful global elites    



















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