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Daniel Andrews: Victorian Labor Premier

    Daniel Andrews - Pack of Cheats Rite-ON!

    Daniel Andrews has been responsible for 4 years of Victoria’s economic demise and public chaos.
    The litany exposed.


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    2002 Andrews was elected member for the Legislative Assembly seat of Mulgrave.

    2008 As Health Minister Andrews tabled the “compromise” Abortion bill to decriminalise abortion during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. [1]

    2010 to 2014 Leader of the Victorian branch of the Labor Party

    2014 29 November, elected 48th Premier of Victoria after the ALP won the state election.

    2015 On winning office, Andrews government cancelled the East West Link project  [2]

    The cost to taxpayers of scrapping Melbourne’s East West Link road project has topped $1.1 billion, Victoria’s auditor-general has found.

    Peta Credlin discusses the Victorian Labor Party

    Voters need to ‘wake up’ ahead of the next election: 

    Click to play
    Peta Credlin Skye News Rite-ON!


    Rorting in Politics

    2015 Following the State election the Sun Herald reported that Labor whistle-blowers expressed concern over wages and revelations that they did not do electoral work that they were paid for. Premier Andrews said “no rules had been broken”. [3]

    A totally different story unfolded when 21 MP’s were identified, $388,000 of taxpayer funding was spent on election campaigning. [4]

    Labor's 21 rort MPs Rite-ON!

    The Timeline unfolded


    Labour Rorts for Votes Crisis


    Labor 2013 Rorting


    Labor Daniel Andrews Rorts for Votes Crisis



    Labor Rorting 2015 Rite-ON!


    Labour Rorting 2016 Rite-ON!


    2015Case referred to the Ombudsman.

    The state’s ombudsman Deborah Glass found Labor was wrong to spend $388,000 of taxpayer funding on election campaigning during the 2014 poll, and the party repaid that amount. [5]

     Ombudsman investigation into misuse of funds

    2018 – Victorian fraud squad detectives announced they were launching a criminal investigation into Labor’s misuse of MP staff allowances during the 2014 campaign.

    2018 A Victorian fraud squad investigation into Labor’s misuse of MP staff allowances during the 2014 election could wrap up after November’s polling day, Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton has said. [6]

    Union deal re Fight fighters EBA

    2016– Victoria’s Emergency Services Minister Jane Garrett has resigned from Cabinet as the State Government seeks to push through a bitterly disputed enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA) for firefighters. [7] [8] [9] [10]

    Pay is not one of the issues in contention. Rather, the CFA is concerned that the UFU’s enterprise bargaining proposal gives the paid firefighters’ union too much power to make decisions over volunteer firefighters and the equipment, processes and staffing of CFA stations. Negotiations have lasted for almost 1,200 days.


    Labor Union deal re Fire fighters Rite-ON!

    “They’ve been held to ransom by this union for the best part of three years,” Mr Guy told ABC Radio Melbourne.


    Safe Schools ? Does NOT Protect our innocent children?

    2016 – Andrews announces state support of Safe Schools if the Federal Government did cut funding for the program, the State Government would make up for the shortfall in Victoria. [11]

    Labor Safe School gender disgrace Rite-ON!Andrews described the program, which was launched in Victoria in 2010 before it was rolled out nationally in 2014, as “brilliantly effective”. [12]

    Despite Roz Ward the developer admitting the program is NOT anti bullying – but “Gender Diversity”.

    The Safe Schools program has 251 member schools in Victoria – 162 of them are Government secondary colleges.

    Mother of four CELLA WHITE speaks in detail about how she withdrew her children from Frankston High School in Victoria in order to protect them from the so called ‘Safe Schools’ Coalition program. A very moving account which every parent must watch.

    2017 State government crackdown on gender role-play and fairy tales  [12]

    Fairy tales, toy kitchens and gender-stereotypical role-play games may be discouraged from early childhood education centres, as the Victorian Government rolls out its plan to improve attitudes towards women.

    Labor Gender ideology

    Injection room next to Primary School

    2018 – June 30 The medically supervised injecting room at North Richmond Community Health opened, despite concerns from the Richmond West Primary School who approached the Department of Education in May re security issues linked to the needle exchange program next door. [14]

    Multiple drug users told the Herald Sun they had no interest in visiting the centre.

    One man seen injecting in the car park of the housing estate, within view of the centre, said he “didn’t know anything about” the injecting room.

    Labor Injecting Room next to school Rite-ON!


    Taxi Industry destroyed

    2017 Labor government’s decision to abolish taxi licences, introducing a single registration for taxis last year, has, as a result, deregulated the taxi industry. By introducing hire cars and ride-share services like Uber the consequences have been destructive for many, leading several taxi drivers to bankruptcy. Families have been disbanded, mental health has deteriorated and we have even seen suicides. [15] [16]

    Labor Taxi Industry destroyed Rite-ON!


    Labor branch stacks printing rort claims probe

    Labor branch stacks printing rort Rite-ON!

    2017 Two printing firms are being investigated after Labor Party insiders claimed taxpayer funds were being used to pay for ALP memberships in an unprecedented rort. [17]

    Energy Targets

    2018 Victoria Labor boosts renewable energy target to 50% by 2030
    The Victorian Labor government has nailed its colours to the mast on energy just two weeks out from the state election. [18]

    The new target, announced on Thursday, builds on the Andrews government’s current legislated targets of sourcing 25 per cent of the state’s electricity generation from renewable sources by 2020, and 40 per cent by 2025.

    An interesting tactic for the Labor Party so close to the election – which some media reports are putting down to efforts to reclaim Greens voters.

    This aligns the Victorian party with its federal counterpart, which proposes a nationwide target of 50 per cent renewables by 2030, and matches the targets made by the Queensland and Northern Territory Labor governments.

    On the other hand, it exposes the party to outcries from the opposition, which – federally, at least – has repeatedly and consistently decried 50 per cent renewables as a “wreckless” and “economy-wrecking” goal.









    8. Minister resigns over fire fighters deal










    18.        50/50 renewable energy 2030

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