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Global famine due to cooling (not heating) is coming.

    Very interesting interview – Mike Adams talks with Professor Valentina Zharkova –  mathematician and astrophysicist at Northumbria University.

    Professor Zharkova explains why solar cycles will lead to GLOBAL FAMINE for 2+ decades to come. This famine is going to be caused by the cooling of earth due to natural sun cycles. The cooling of the earth causes most crops and fruit trees to die causing famine. 

    Chinese businessman are buying up large farms in Africa hoping the weather in Africa will stay warm enough to grow food.

    The sun is currently in cycle 25 which ends in 2030. The professor gives the dates that the cooling cycle will begin. 

    Also why decreasing carbon dioxide is counter productive to life on this planet. 

    She explains how it is the distance of the earth from the sun which causes global heating or cooling. 


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