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The New Energy Enhancement System (EE SYSTEM) Has Landed!

    Montville – The Energy Enhancement System has landed here, at Elevata Clinic & Retreat!

    1-5, House #3 Marshalls Road Montville | Ph: (07) 5478 5438 | E: | W:

    In over 20 years of practising, there haven’t been many new health technologies that have caught my attention and impressed me enough to think “Wow this could really help my patients” …

    Until now!

    Early last year, I had the fortuitous opportunity to come across an interview with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael and Jason Shirka (founder of Jason was questioning Dr. Michael about the invention she made many years ago and how it all worked.

    Dr. Michael grew up with both parents working for NASA. She is science-driven but also a Hawaiian Kahuna Healer.

    I quickly organised a meeting with Dr. Michael’s daughter and Jason Shirka, in the USA over Zoom.

    I was fast convinced that I needed to be a part of this global upliftment of humanity.

    I showed my partner the interview and he too was very supportive of moving ahead with obtaining the EES for our clinic….but we needed more room to accommodate the healing room. So this was why we had to move from Mt Martha in Victoria, to Montville in Qld.

    Why are we only hearing about this technology now?     

    For usual reasons, it has not been exposed to the general public, (only the very wealthy on the planet have been able to afford Dr. Michael’s healing technology in their homes, and of course, the US Government has been using this technology in the military for many years!) … they had just kept it a secret from us until now!

    There are many things that Governments and the health system want to keep quiet, as there are a lot of incomes derived from the ‘sickness’ industry.

    Keeping people sick and stuck in the net of man-made prescription drug medicine by powerful big pharma, is highly advantageous for big businesses and their shareholders.

    Covid was a prime example.

    However, I digress. Let me try and explain a little bit more about this “EE System”, so you can decide for yourselves!….

    Of course, like anything, reading or being told about something is far different from experiencing this healing phenomena on a personal level (which I of course have done).

    What is the EE System?

    The EESystemTM is a revolutionary technology that has been developed and tested for over 20 years by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, to promote healing, relaxation, detoxification, and regeneration for the human body, no matter what the state of health or degree of sickness.

    Much research and many clinical studies (click here for more information) have been done during this time to prove the efficacy of this new-age treatment.

    The EESystem TM is experienced through customised computer screens (from a software program) which are strategically placed around the room and calibrated within a milimetre of each other.

    They generate multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy wave fields, called “scalar waves”, that are emitted from the monitors on each side of the room or surrounding the room. The person is sitting in a comfortable chair anywhere within our room and relaxes.

    The monitors are programmed using advanced algorithms and quantum physics to emit scalar waves, which neutralise any existing health-damaging electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) which usually radiate from man-made computer monitors, mobile phones, televisions, modems, microwaves, phone towers, and now 5G towers, etc.

    What are Scalar Waves?

    Scalar waves are on the opposite side of the frequency spectrum to harmful EMFs.

    They are nonlinear (don’t travel in a straight line). They fill the spaces, 5th-dimensional energy waves that have always existed but are more commonly known within the professions of geology, astrophysics, and hydrodynamics.

    The human body has crystalline structures in every cell wall that can hold a charge (positive or negative).

    When the human body or any biological form (e.g., animal, vegetable, or mineral), enters a Scalar field (EES room) the electromagnetic field of the individual becomes excited, energised and its natural frequency elevates…

    a sick cell has a low frequency, and a healthy cell has a higher frequency. EE System TM uses Scalar wave technology which allows the cells to balance and return the cells of the body to a natural state of health, one that resonates more with the earth or that known as Schuman’s Resonance.

    What to Expect

    If you need to relax, you will… instantly. You will probably fall asleep quickly as well. When you wake you will probably have a sense of calmness yet be full of energy.

    You can expect to experience improved immune function, relief from pain, detoxification of the body, and elevated mood, as well as have it assist in balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain and increase energy levels.

    People have also been able to make important life decisions quicker and be more positive.


    This technology has been presented at more than a dozen medical, scientific, and professional conferences globally with pages of research and clinical studies available for everyone to read on our new to launch website

    What Can the EESystem Do for Me?

    The EESystem TM does NOT make any claims. It is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose.

    Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified healthcare practitioner.


    The world has witnessed some miraculous testimonials and improvements in people’s health conditions in hundreds of people who have used the EESystem TM.

    Based on the clinical studies, laboratory reports, and other research, the EESystemTM has had positive effects on the following ailments:

    • Acute Injuries
    • ADD/ADHD
    • Bipolar Disorder
    • Cancer
    • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    • Depression
    • Diabetes
    • Diabetic Neuropathy
    • Exercise Recovery
    • Fatigue
    • Fibroids
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux
    • Hearing Loss
    • Herpes
    • Hormonal imbalances
    • Hypertension
    • Hypothyroid
    • Incontinence
    • Impotence
    • Memory loss
    • Muscle Strength
    • Muscle Weakness
    • Neuropathies
    • Pain Relief
    • Pancreatitis
    • Paralysis
    • Peak Performance
    • PTSD
    • Sarcoidosis
    • Skin disorders
    • Stroke
    • Vision disturbances
    • And more…

    How Will I Feel Using the EESystem

    During the EES session, you may feel a deep sense of calm and relaxation, relief from pain, fall into a deep, restorative sleep, or find an increase in energy after the session.

    Others may experience what we would describe as a “healing crisis”, experiencing symptoms as if undergoing a heavy detox. This may include nausea, headache, etc. But don’t worry; the body starts working immediately at clearing toxins, so these symptoms aren’t long-lasting. It may vary, however, from person to person, depending on the amount of toxicity or imbalance.

    Because the EESystemTM promotes detoxification, WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND that people stay hydrated with a lot of purified/filtered water and take sea salt baths afterwards, to help aid detoxification and reduce possible symptoms (e.g.: headache, fatigue, nausea.)

    I am very excited to be part of this new wave of healing and be able to bring this technology to my patients, friends, family and pets.

    The EESystemTM is not only the future of health for humanity but also our precious planet.

    I invite you to experience and be a part of this healing technology.

    Our Scalar Wave Boutique Room in Montville is waiting for you…

    It’s very private, high up in the mountain, amongst the rainforest where the air is pure, and the energy is high.

    The new age of healing is now!

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