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Nexium Increases Risk of Dementia and Kidney Injury

    Hey, slow down a minute!

    Pharmaceutical drugs are built on exacting standards with double-blind trials and would never be marketed unless they were safe and effective…..right? Well, no.

    Just before you swallow that approved pharmaceutical antacid or PPI,  allow me to provide information so that you will be aware of the risks. This is called ‘informed consent’ and it is your right.

    Do you suffer from GERD? Do you have stomach discomfort, bloating, gas or indigestion.? According to our ‘trusted’ medical establishment, the first line of treatment is an antacid and/or a proton pump inhibitor -PPI.  Antacids neutralize the stomach acid and PPI’s shut down pumps that release acid into the stomach.  Most people accept these drugs, never realizing that they are not only ineffective, but increase the risk of dementia and kidney damage. And on top of the increased risk, these drugs do not actually cure your indigestion. You need to change your diet to do that. It is sometimes as simple as having some cider vinegar with each meal.

    A new study published  August 9, 2023 has linked prolonged use of these drugs to Dementia.

    Dementia Risk Linked to Nexium, Prilosec, Similar Heartburn Drugs After Long-Term Use: Study

    These drugs also cause kidney damage. The risk of kidney damage is so prevalent now that there are thousands of lawsuits against PPI drug manufacturers. reported: read about the current lawsuits.

    And certainly not these drugs that are regularly prescribed  for indigestion and stomach discomfort. If you are currently using Nexium, Omeprazole (Prilosec), Prevacid, Protonix or other PPI’s (proton pump inhibitors) beware of the associated risks.

    Long-term side effects of Nexium, Prilosec and similar proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medications may increase the risk of dementia, according to the findings of a new study that raises additional concerns about the risks associated with the popular heartburn drugs, which many individuals take for years.

    Researchers at the University of Minnesota report that individuals taking proton pump inhibitors for longer than four years faced a 33% increased risk of being diagnosed with dementia. Their findings were published on August 9 in the medical journal Neurology.

    PPIs are designed to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach, treating gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), as well as heartburn, ulcers in the stomach and small intestines, and inflammation of the oesophagus. In addition to Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid, the class also includes the brand name medications Protonix, Zegerid, AcipHex, Dexilant and Vimovo, as well as a number of generic equivalents.

    While the drugs have been promoted for years as safe and effective, leading many to believe they carry few serious side effects, the manufacturers have faced thousands of Nexium lawsuitsProtonix lawsuitsPrilosec lawsuits and Prevacid lawsuits, each raising similar claims that plaintiffs were left with acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal failure and other unexpected health problems.

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