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Pfizer funds campaign pressuring hospitals into mutilating gender-confused children: report

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    Tue May 23, 2023

    Pfizer and the pharmaceutical industry are closely tied to efforts to pressure medical facilities into performing chemical and surgical mutilations on gender-confused individuals, according to a recent report from The Washington Free Beacon.

    The homosexual advocacy group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) uses a “Healthcare Equality Index” that rewards policies such as asking patients for their “personal pronouns” and punishes facilities for allowing religious exemptions, according to the Free Beacon report.

    The index is funded by “generous grants” from Pfizer and pharmaceutical trade association PhRMA, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America.

    The Free Beacon reported:

    To earn a perfect score, hospitals must display LGBT symbols, solicit and use patients’ preferred pronouns, and conduct trainings on LGBT issues approved by the Human Rights Campaign, according to the scoring criteria. They must also provide the same treatments for gender dysphoria that they provide for other medical conditions – meaning a hospital that uses puberty blockers to treat precocious puberty cannot withhold the drugs from children who say they’re transgender. And though the index does not mention medical conscience exemptions explicitly, it does penalize hospitals for allowing ‘discriminatory treatment that is in conflict with their non-discrimination policy.’

    The report details how the index is used as a cudgel against hospitals to force them to adapt unscientific and dangerous transgender drugs and surgeries. “The Human Rights Campaign is a private entity, and its ratings carry no official weight,” the Free Beacon reported. “But as countries around the world pump the brakes on pediatric transition, critics say that the index – bankrolled by the very companies that produce and profit off puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones – is encouraging the sort of no-guardrails approach that has made U.S. gender medicine an international outlier.”


    “The scorecard has helped powerful lobbyists seed their ideology across American hospitals, becoming de facto regulators of health care,” the outlet reported.

    PhRMA “downplayed its role in the index, saying the trade association was ‘not involved in the development’ of the scoring criteria. ‘Our work with the [Human Rights Campaign] has primarily focused on issues impacting patient access and affordability, including for those with HIV,’” the group told the Free Beacon.

    Hospitals that make medical decisions not to prescribe dangerous puberty blockers lose “points” from the LGBT activist group.

    “Last year, for example, the Human Rights Campaign deducted points from two Texas hospitals, UT Southwestern Medical Center and Children’s Health in Dallas, because they stopped using puberty blockers to treat gender dysphoria but continued to use them to treat precocious puberty – the blockers’ original purpose,” the article noted.

    Hospitals also win “points” if they “publicly supported LGBTQ+ equality under the law through taking action on local, state, or federal legislation or regulations.”

    Cross-sex drugs and surgeries have come under scrutiny

    While HRC pushes hospitals to remove healthy body parts from gender-confused kids or inject them with hormones, political and medical leaders have sounded the alarm about the harms of supposedly transgender drugs and surgeries. It is not possible for someone to change their sex, and the procedures used on minors and adults are significantly harmful.

    This is one reason Nebraska and over 14 other Republican-led states have placed limits on minors receiving transgender drugs and surgeries.

    The conservative Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has also released a list of eight bullet points that detail the problems of medical procedures for gender-confused individuals. In one point, they called the procedures for minors “medically and ethically contraindicated because of a lack of informed consent” and said “[t]here are inherently unknown and unknowable long-term risks, and the consequences of removing normal, healthy organs are irreversible.”

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