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Universities – potential courts of injustice?

    Universities Rite-ON!

    Word is that the previous Education Minister, Simon Birmingham, was planning a taskforce to bully universities into tackling the highly contentious “rape crisis” on campus by getting involved in adjudicating rape cases

    Education Minister Dan Tehan must ‘keep the courtroom out of the classroom’

    “Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan has shelved a planned taskforce that would scrutinize university responses to sexual assault and harassment on campus. Correspondence seen by Fairfax Media reveals the previous minister, Simon Birmingham, was "so close" to announcing the taskforce before the coup against Malcolm Turnbull and the subsequent cabinet reshuffle.” (1)

    Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan

    Mr. Tehan has instead prioritized an inquiry into freedom of speech at universities, tasking former High Court chief justice Robert French to conduct a review of policies to uphold free expression. The inquiry was largely triggered by an incident at the University of Sydney in September when author Bettina Arndt – a vocal critic of what she calls the “myth” of a rape crisis on campus – clashed with left-wing activists protesting her appearance at a student-run event.  Mr. Tehan rang Arndt after the incident and expressed sympathy with her plight”

    Read this article Bettina Arndt wrote for the online journal Quillette (2) explaining why she is doing her campus tour, exposing the dangerous motivations of the feminist activists in promoting the fake rape crisis.

    It’s great news that the taskforce has been postponed but Dan Tehan has not ruled out the possibly of eventually giving in to feminist demands to get universities involved in the criminal justice business. ……….and this is where YOU come in!

    Chip in $12 to make a video showing why classrooms shouldn’t become courtrooms!

    Australia is already being pushed to follow the dangerous American path where colleges were forced by Obama to set up tribunals which became judge and jury for alleged cases of sexual harassment and rape.

    This was the result of a long campaign by feminist activists who are concerned about the low rate of conviction in date rape cases. Their problem is juries won’t send young men to jail for years based on he-said, she-said allegations where they don’t know whom to believe. So, the best way to increase conviction rates is to set up a different system of justice, using a lower standard of proof, and “believe the victim” procedures which stack the odds against the accused.

    As a result, American colleges ended up with a series of kangaroo courts, where the accused was not protected by lawyers, often denied full access to allegations, and lacked other legal rights available under criminal law. It led to a steady stream of young men (and occasionally women) being suspended from college, with their lives derailed by this “victim-centred justice.”

    That proved a mighty costly exercise for the American university system, particularly with a number of these accused young men and their families winning legal cases and receiving substantial payouts from colleges that failed to protect due process rights.  Hundreds of lawsuits have been filed against universities alleging such violations. The Trump administration is now winding back this system, introducing new measures to protect the legal rights of the accused. Editorials across the country have supported these moves, with surveys showing widespread public concern about what was happening to young men on university campuses.

    The verdict is in. America made a big mistake caving into feminists demands for colleges to handle rape cases. So why is Australia heading down the same path?

    Join us and urge Dan Tehan to keep university classrooms as places of education. Rape is a criminal offence and needs to dealt with by police and the courts, where both the accused and accuser are offered full legal protection to ensure fair trials.

    Bettina Arndt at Sydney University Rite-ON!

    Bettina Arndt has been travelling around Australian Universities discussing the alleged ‘rape-crisis’ and has been met with fierce opposition from the militant feminists who are determined to silence her. The violent protests at Sydney University led to the Federal government setting up a tribunal to promote free speech on campuses.  (3)

    Join us and urge Dan Tehan to keep university classrooms as places of education. Rape is a criminal offence and needs to dealt with by police and the courts, where both the accused and accuser are offered full legal protection to ensure fair trials.

    “Keep the courtroom out of the classroom and Trash the Taskforce” Dan!

     What can YOU do?

    • Chip in $12 to make a video showing why classrooms shouldn’t become courtrooms!
    • Contact your local FEDERAL MP and ask him to urge Education Minister Dan Tehan to resist    demands to allow universities to rule on cases of alleged sexual harassment.  Keep the courtroom out of the classroom!
    • Contact Minister for Education, Dan Tehan MP,  and ask that he ‘Trash the Taskforce’ citing evidence and advising cases of alleged criminal activity be handled by the legal profession and tried in the courts. Keep the courtroom out of the classroom!
    • Share this campaign with your Uni friends and family.








    Rite On! Is committed to fighting for Australian values so our children can grow up in a free and democratic society.

    Chip in $12 to make a video showing why classrooms shouldn’t become courtrooms!

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    BSB: ​064462  Account Number: ​10363519


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    Universities – potential courts of injustice?


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