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Unvaxxed Study: Few Got Sick and ADHD Disappeared

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    13.38 “Vaccines are a big part of the reason why kids are not doing well today ”

    14:35 “Zero ADHD in the unvaxxed”

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    Dr. Paul Thomas is a retired pediatrician from Portland, Oregon.
    He was forced to give up his medical license by the Oregon Medical Board because he published data about what he was observing in his patients—that the unvaccinated children were getting less sick compared to the vaccinated.
    When Dr. Thomas decided to take a moderate approach with vaccinating children in his practice, he became well known in the Portland community. His book, “The Vaccine-Friendly Plan,” offered an alternative vaccination schedule that focused on lowering the amount of aluminum a child was exposed to during vaccination. Aluminum is found in most pediatric vaccines and is a known neurotoxin.
    “I was the only mainstream clinic that was allowing people to not vaccinate,” Dr. Thomas told Frontline Health at the Children’s Health Defence 2nd Annual Conference.
    According to Dr. Thomas, when parents didn’t want their child to follow the CDC vaccination schedule, most of the pediatricians in Portland said, “Sorry, you can’t be here.”
    Many of these parents turned to Dr. Thomas.
    This opened a unique perspective into the lives of children that were vaccinated and those who were not. Dr. Thomas decided to do a study on 3,324 children in his practice. He looked at their medical records over a long period of time to see what the data might reveal about the health outcomes for his patients.
    And he only looked at the children that were born into his practice. This made sure that he could be certain about every single procedure and ailment that the child had.
    The results were shocking, but Dr. Thomas managed to publish them in a peer-reviewed journal. His vaccinated patients had much worse health outcomes when it came to allergies, ADHD, asthma, and infections.
    Within five days of publication, Dr. Thomas received a letter from his lawyer saying that his medical license was suspended. He was labeled as a “threat” to public health and his paper was retracted.


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